Our Story

When life hands you lemons, make candles!  You just never know what your future holds.  After a 20 year career in the corporate world, recent changes to the organization and my role inspired me to look at who I am and who I want to be. 

While I enjoy my day job, I have always had a passion for channeling creativity through interior design, home DIY projects and the culinary arts.  The common denominator with these, for me, is the feeling they invoke.  Whether it's the beauty and comfort of a well-designed space or the smell and taste of your favorite foods, they help create a setting to make memories.  Scents are often tied to these memories - and what better way to recreate them than with a beautiful candle.  It may be a hint of coconut giving you the sense that summer is coming or the smell of balsam ushering in the holidays, these scents bring back those feelings of nostalgia.  

As for Blends, well, the name is inspired by the fact that this craft combines my passions, and is also a nod to each of us as individuals.  We are all blends of our experiences, cultures, nationalities, families - the list goes on and on.  Blends are beautiful and unique, just like you.